Knowing our Foundation will Strengthen our Nation
President Star Comes Out is the current Chairman of the Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association. He also serves on the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Tribal and Indian Affairs, the United States Department of Justice Tribal Leaders Board, and as Acting Law & Order Committee Chair for the National Congress of American Indians. Since becoming President, he has been a regular fixture in Washington, D.C., where he has testified to Congress, publicly provided support for proposed bills, and participated in Tribal Leader convenings, including the Tribal-Interior Budget Council. As President, he also oversees the Tribe’s approach to its lawsuit with the United States over the treaty-required provision of law enforcement and public safety resources to the Tribe (Oglala Sioux Tribe v. United States of America et al). Significantly, the Tribe succeeded in the case when the United States District Court concluded that the United States has a treaty duty unique to the Tribe to provide protection and law enforcement cooperation and support on the Reservation.
Prior to becoming President, he served as the District Chair for the Oglala District of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. There, he oversaw the District government and worked to ensure District members’ basic needs were addressed. President Star Comes Out also was part of the Crazy Horse Planning Commission, which consists of Chairmen from all nine districts of the Tribe.

President Star Comes Out also served as the Fifth Member of the Oglala District, a position that serves to ensure the Tribe’s several treaties are considered in respective District’s actions.
President Star Comes Out is a United States Marine Corps veteran. As a Marine, he served in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm (The Persian Gulf War) and Operation Restore Hope (Mogadishu, Somalia). He also held a seat on the Oglala Sioux Tribe’s Veterans Affairs Committee. Increasing opportunities and improving the quality of life for veterans is a passion of President Star Comes Out. He also worked in various Federal Government positions, including at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian Health Service, National Cemetery, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Department of Defense.
President Star Comes Out is also a member of the Tokala Society, a revered traditional warrior society of the Great Sioux Nation.
After traveling around a lot in different positions, President Star Comes Out moved home to serve his Tribal Nation and to assert and protect Tribal rights. He currently lives in the Oglala community on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

Press Releases
Oglala Sioux Tribe Awarded over $15 Million from USDA for Food Sovereignty Initiative
(Pine Ridge, S.D.) The Oglala Sioux Tribe was awarded $15,300,000.00 from United States Department of Agriculture pursuant to (CFDA#10.182, Local Food Purchase Assistance) for the Oglala Sioux Tribe Food Distribution Program. The USDA Local Food…